CDM Stravibase Fix
Stravibase Fix* is a general elastic isolation fixation principle which guarantees total vibration decoupling from a non-isolated structure (suspended) to another isolated structure (supporting) which it is connected to in order to provide stability. If correctly designed it provides an effective reduction in noise and vibration energy transmission.
System Components
- Isolator: resilient bearing located between the structures which are to be decoupled
- Stabilizer(s): located in each fastening element to decouple them from the isolated structure whilst allowing the necessary torque load
- Flexible washer(s): located inside the fixing hole to decouple the fixing from the isolated structure
Main Benefits
- Can accommodate any size or acoustic load
- Compatible with any type of construction
- Natural frequencies of 4Hz to 20Hz can be achieved
- Designed with either spring or elastomeric isolators
- Installation can be horizontal or vertical
- Quick and easy to install
- Provides a high degree of structural stability
- Up-lift force resistance due to the pre-compression controlled device
- High shear stiffness for lateral force stability
Design Requirements
- Natural frequency requirement
- Working dead and live loads on each contact point
- Available surface
- Fastening elements locations
- Pre-compression forces
*Previously known as CDM-FIX
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